Lonelytree sorry to have to disagree with you. this has nothing to do with whether you enjoy your work with WI. i am neither alegal expert so ultimately court ( HONGKONG if i am correct and it is likely to follow international rather than chinese so called law system ). about "double hosting". in spirit is is dishonest , duplicious. let me give a simple example. i buy some thing ( chinese book here ) from you ( i am paying real money ). my plan is to add value ( translation ) and resell value added product to recover my original cost and make money ( the whole purpose ) from my efforts. you then turn around with this "double hosting" and take away part of my profits and try to justify it. this is in nutshell whole story. its your choice if you want to close your eyes.
about HJC i am ambivalent as WW's translation had really slowed. added to that QI was not stealing rather than creating its own translation. key to me here is translation has come to a halt more or less over at WW.if QI was an honest corporation they would have at the minimum offered to return , on prorated basis , the royalty they took from WW. i won't even comment on the garbage piece of announcement from the spokie here otherthan that s/he would make a agood spokeperson for politicians over here in the west. those press conferences are amazing marvel of double talk and intellectual excercise of how not to speak truth while proclaiming you only speak truth.

    goujing care to share the good shit you smoking dude ? once you accept royalry and enter a contract those rights have been transfered for specific defined purposes. in simple english for you the party which paid royalty owns them. this is how whole world of translation works.

      BadMal The difference is: you didn't sign a contract with the seller of the Chinese book allowing the seller to dual host, WW did.
      RWX has broken the NDA and posted the contract on NUF, it's now a matter of record. What is now contested is what constitutes a 'complete translation'.

        Posting it here shows how the people QI pays (translators and what not) fight for them vs those who don’t care vs those who support WW and hate QI

        Oh boy... this is not new! They (QI) just go around acting like the International world is in their hands...


          KingBiBiK A few months before the BTTH translation ended, GGP's patreon made ~$40.5k in that month. A few months after BTTH ended, he now makes less than $2k in a month. Judging from WQDK and BTTH Patreons, the average patron amount is around $50 a month from each patron. Before RXW announced plans to go in-house, he had about 2300 patrons.

          BadMal Le sigh. As I've said in the post you reply to, everything hinges upon that contract that neither of us has seen the full picture of. If you wish to believe in the one-sided hearsay, then I really can't help you. I shall return the same advice you've given me, it's your choice if you want to close your eyes.

          All this bickering eludes me. Qidian represents or owns author rights of novels they are sending dmca of. That means there is probably a loophole somewhere in contract if they have signed it. They are trying to make money by using the legal nitpicking as I hope they would do if I were the author and allow them to own or represents my international rights. I don't know which corner of the world you live in man, but money makes the world go round!

            Whoa whoa whoa, you got that all wrong. Heres how it really works.

            The sun tries to eat us year round. It's trying to rope us in, see? Now we know better to suddenly let it grab us, so we run away just as hard as it's trying. It'll never catch us. So fear not we will not be eaten any time soon as long as a meteorite doesn't bully us and shove us towards the sun. He might grab us and give us a bad sun burn.

            Making up words like "gravity?" hur hur

            • Miya replied to this.

              Why..... Without WW, qidian will no be as big as it is now...

                WigglerGod oh damn, someone needs a good physics lesson.
                also, if 'we're', as earth is running. "we're" doing quite a bad job because "we're" not going anywhere.
                in fact, we seem to be running in circle around the sun. why are "we" so dumb.
                quotation mark around "we" because although i don't know who "we" are, but i'm not in this freaking "we" you're talking about. i'm not sure about the sun "chasing" the earth, but i'm running away from you.
                in case the ignorance is contagious, joking or no joking.

                  As far as I see it it's just jealousy and bad intentions. QI made their translators quit Patreon which, for the most popular novel/translators meant a cut of maybe 80% of their revenue or more. So in the man eat man world they said let's screw WW translators too.

                  With patreon a good translator -- over 20 k
                  On QI - maybe 2-3 k, maybe less considering that they work for the Dark Side.

                  After doing the math they asked their legal department too find all the loopholes possible to pick on WW.
                  Apparently it's Bully the WW day on QI. They do it every month or so. In my opinion they should just mind their own business and stop looking over the fence. It would be much better for everyone involved.

                    Evander Woah looks like you have alot of insider information. Care to share your sources?

                      A far as I know QI translators are paid a fixed amount for chapter: 40-60$. Some change from ads and a % from premium. If they translate more chapters they can earn 3-4k maybe 5 k tops.

                      Maybe GodBrady gets more for being a good little obedient boy. This, I don't know for sure. You should ask him. Or even better, they should come clean and give an example of what they earn. I mean, what's the big secret. More money, less, it doesn't matter, I think they work for it so they surely deserve it. But I don't think the average is more than 4k. If it is I'll apologise and sing praises to QI generosity all over the internet.

                      I stand by my statement that the whole thing is a bit of jealousy that ”the neighbour gets more” than me kind of thing. After all Patreon has been in use for about 2 years and no one thought to sue or send DMCA's till QI.

                        Evander A far as I know QI translators are paid a fixed amount for chapter: 40-60$. Some change from ads and a % from premium. If they translate more chapters they can earn 3-4k maybe 5 k tops.

                        Haha nice, none of that is right, maybe for some translators, but not many.

                        Evander Maybe GodBrady gets more for being a good little obedient boy. This, I don't know for sure. You should ask him. Or even better, they should come clean and give an example of what they earn. I mean, what's the big secret. More money, less, it doesn't matter, I think they work for it so they surely deserve it. But I don't think the average is more than 4k. If it is I'll apologise and sing praises to QI generosity all over the internet.

                        God Brandy does get a shilling bonus; the rate was leaked on NUF by Meh: $1000 per NUF comment. So he's shilling here for free.

                          Millman97 I'm sure he's worth every penny. Meh too, even if he got reprimanded by GodBrady on that thread :).

                          If the pay is higher that's good. I'm sure that you deserve it. As far as I'm concerned most of the translators and editors do they jobs admirably, you just have to reign in the corporate suits a little bit. They are ruining your reputation. If you are entitled to something through a contract you'll get it. You don't have to jump the gun. It creates a bad impression and leaves the fans, that know a bit about the WW - QI feud, with a bad taste in their mouths.

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