KingBiBiK Premium and Patreon system is fundamentally same as well as different.
From what I see Patreon is like support the translator kinda system in which willing readers donate money for motivating translators to work faster (i.e more releases - something I would love to do if I am a writer) and get some rewards based on the level of support they provide (in terms of advance reading option based on how much you pay).

N0xiety Thats what I said too.
Even if the DMCA takes down the pages, they can come back with donation or release rate as the reward.

    CKtalon Can you earn that much even including providing for each translator with a 1300 ranked website with millions of views? I have no idea in this field...

    They pay translators per 1000 page views. How much does websites earns per 1000 views?

      N0xiety No, Patreon has very little to do with support once advanced chapters come into play. It has more to do with advanced chapters. A person can receive up to 30 times more on Patreon once they offer advanced chapters.

      Why were the QI translators complaining that they had to take down advanced chapters when they are still allowed to keep their Patreons up? It's because every translator out there knows that advanced chapters make you money. Readers are willing to pay simply to be ahead for a variety of reasons. By your reasoning, more people should support the translators because bad QI took away their rights to offer advanced chapters. But people are pragmatic and we do not live in an ideal world.

      It is this model that made Premium what it is now, and also to make it much cheaper than the high-end Patreon tiers but nearly equivalent. (About $25 vs $100+)

      Besides, although our contracts haven't switched over to royalty based ones, people will eventually switch once we see that it earns more. Paying for Premium is in a way support for authors and translators.

        CKtalon Right, the advanced chapters influences the patreons to spend more. Someone who wants to donate like $1-5 now is willing to pay more than $10 since there is a feeling of getting rewarded as well.

          KingBiBiK About $1-$2CPM, so $1-2 per 1000 impressions

          Most CPM networks pay $1 to $10 per one thousand impressions (depending upon various factors).

          Apart from CPC, you will also earn from your CPM ad impressions. Irrespective of any niche, the average CPM earning is $1 to $1.5 per 1,000 impressions. You can make $40 to $60 per day from 40,000 page views.

          Impressions aren't views, but it's around the same ballpark.

          An article from Dec 2016, slightly past the authorization contracts were signed

          As of last month, the forum had been ranked 1,536th in the world website ranking list with daily page views of 3.62 million.

          That's about 100million views a month, ignoring stuff such as adblock. Assuming a $1.20 CPM (of which about half goes to the translators), they earn about US$60,000 a month. Excluding the company's expenses such as hosting and hiring of technical staff, the income it gets a month is around $50,000
          So give them a few months, and they can easily afford the 6-figure sum.

            N0xiety One of the most popular translators in this community had a Patreon opened for about 9 months and managed to get ~270 patrons with an average of about $6.70 per patron. The very month he started offering advanced chapters, his patron count shot up to 1850, peaking at ~2225, and he hid his earnings... but I would be willing to bet the average amount per patron was significantly higher than $7. The very month he finished his current translation, his patron count dropped down to ~1100, and has continued this way even after starting another work.

            While not everyone is doing so, the majority definitely are paying for advanced chapters.

            CKtalon It is this model that made Premium what it is now, and also to make it much cheaper than the high-end Patreon tiers but nearly equivalent. (About $25 vs $100+)

            Well Premium isn't giving us any more advanced chapter, they took from us free chapters and we must pay for it now. Amount of released chapter in premium is the same as before premium :
            AGM - 1/2 ch/day the same as before premium
            WSSTH - 2ch/day as before premium .
            Then I think it is ($25 vs $0 ) .On the other websites if translator have more patrons then he/she release more chapters for free . Premium didn't give us more than 10/15 chapters when it turned premium


              For the finished novels part. I stand corrected. It's a very tiny amount but what I wanted to do was to equate premium novels to finished ones and say that all finished novels require you to pay. I'll rescind that point and give it up, although from my point of view, the % is tiny and if you're running the equivalent as Premium -> VIP it still makes sense-ish. ... It's a weak argument though so I won't pursue it and leave it alone.

              As for putting two drug dealers next to each other... Uh.... It's an interesting way to put that out, although I'll argue it's easy to get into and out of webnovels. The real question isn't answered though, which is one I asked for from the very beginning. Why should Qidian care and/or follow what other translators are doing?

              I also have a problem with the idea of "Qidian MUST be in the wrong because WW is saying so" which is what the rest of this topic has devolved to (yet again i might add), I've mentioned I don't discuss things which are based on subjective "facts". This is one of those. In my eyes, Qidian might have a damaged reputation, but when you trace ALL of the arguments to one little white lotus yelling out that she is innocent, despite not daring to actually legally sue her ML for trying to have his way with her.... .... I'm sorry. You might win the accolades of the people, but I don't care until there's an actual legal document stating it happened OR that there's proof that it didn't happen. The way things are going WW just wants to play on the sidelines, drum up the love of the populace which results in more patreon money because fuck Qidian. shrugs

              If people want to overpay for patreon and get less value for it, it's up to them. I've yet to see any real reason why Qidian's premium is objectively worse than Patreon.


              ... Good bye? don't let the door hit you on the way out? I'm only actively trying to discuss the price of Qidian's Premium versus patreon and I've yet to see anyone counter my argument of patreon being more expensive at all. shrugs if you want to white knight for WW, please do so by all means. I'm uninvolved with that mess and do not care whatsoever about the alleged problems between WW and Qidian. shrugs Go to court if you have a case, don't whine all over the place as if you're in the right otherwise.


              Logic of why they should provide more other than other people are doing it. I still don't see anything just more whining of entitled people because they think they received a free product in the past and that means that companies MUST endure losses to continue providing said product for nothing. I'm perfectly willing to debate logical arguments, but not ones that are based on the idea of entitlement.

                CKtalon I think it would be wrong to say that patreon has very little to do with support just because there are rewards. I never said rewards don't motivate people. They do motivate immensely. We can look at WMW for example. Most rewards were for the public, and they managed to collect about $5k per month if i remember right. You didn't really have to pay to get the rewards if you didn't have the means to, but people who had the means filled in for those who didn't, so everybody got faster release rate and occasional mass releases. WMW managed to collect the most ammount i have ever seen in patreon for a novel translation. Rewards do motivate depending on how good they are, but it certainly isn't the only reason if it's just about reading 5 chapters ahead. As it stands, i personally see it as a bother to follow the novel from patreon tbh, it is much easier to read it with everyone else as it gets released from the site and follow it from NU, and you also get to comment together with everyone on the most recent public chapter. Sure, like i said, there must be people who solely contributed for the measily 5-10 chapter privilage they get over the other readers, but i still don't think majority contributed for that reason alone. Majority do get motivated by it tho.

                For the 'bad QI' you are talking about, i think you are missing the point here. That would be like having a friend who make his own wine to share with everyone at get togethers, and people in the circle who can afford it chips in to help him while everyone enjoys the wine together. The ones who chip in also get to taste it a few days before everyone else as a bonus. But then your friend starts selling all his wine to a wine company and now you have to buy the wine from the store. Would you still keep chipping in for your friend to make wine and then buy the wine from the store on top of it? Yes indeed, people aren't stupid...

                  CKtalon Have you forgotten the mass releases when the books went Premium?

                  GUERRRERO Premium didn't give us more than 10/15 chapters when it turned premium


                    N0xiety I believe others have given you very concrete examples of how much advanced chapters affect a translator's earnings. If you insist otherwise, it's quite pointless arguing any further.

                    WMW isn't the highest earner. The highest earners were translators of BTTH, WDQK. They were earning about US$30,000 a month (simply because they didn't hide it). I'm sure other translators of even more popular books earned more than that, but the amount they receive after the book ended dropped drastically (same as OMA's Patreon)

                    Yes there will always be a small percentage of people who simply support us through Patreon. I have many such Patreon supporters.

                    But harping on the small minority isn't going to change the facts that majority of patrons are there for advanced chapters (willing to pay hundreds to reach the highest tier). Premium was modelled to be a cheaper version of Patreon. Paying for those Premium chapters support the translators and authors too.

                      There were mass releases but not every translators can provide that many chapters for a mass release.

                      Also, Premium is just starting out. Once the translators start earning from it, you bet the release rates will increase. Everyone is just waiting for more data.

                      Thormented Good bye? don't let the door hit you on the way out? I'm only actively trying to discuss the price of Qidian's Premium versus patreon and I've yet to see anyone counter my argument of patreon being more expensive at all. shrugs if you want to white knight for WW, please do so by all means. I'm uninvolved with that mess and do not care whatsoever about the alleged problems between WW and Qidian. shrugs Go to court if you have a case, don't whine all over the place as if you're in the right otherwise.

                      Seriously? What the FUCK is this? Do you even read stuff here? Are you on weed or something? You are the predominant one who got involved in the patreon VS premium stuff and you think you are uninvolved?

                      What gave you the idea that I am a White Knight? I am quite evil.

                      You gave me all this bullshit when I was just saying the premium cost now is unjustifiable if it is completely under paywall in a different way..Period. that's it.
                      Check all I said before giving me this kinda idiotic trash.
                      Don't get me started.

                        CKtalon I remember seeing BTTH hitting 40k once. Or am I imagining. Don't know about wDK
                        But RXW always have 1700 patreons

                        • aru replied to this.

                          checkm8 It's the pure maliciousness that seems to be coming from the QI management.

                          So if they do it with a smile, it's fine?
                          Also, you seem to just ignore everything that WW do wrong. You're either just plain dumb or purposely baiting people :D


                            Whoops wasn't paying attention and tagged you for something else I guess.

                            Price is negotiable I guess, but when it's already cheaper than Patreon by a long shot. shrugs

                            It's probably much more expensive than the CN Qidian, but i'd wait for the stuff coming out in English to really judge that (no translator/editor cost to account for)

                              Thormented Exactly, the game changer is original English writers.
                              What disappointed me most about WW is that they don't encourage or invite English writers or with their fanbase they could have topped this.

                              Since there is no payment like translators, it will be easier to deal with. I am not sure how they plan it though. Let's wait and see. If they groom a GOD lvl writer then wins.

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