For the finished novels part. I stand corrected. It's a very tiny amount but what I wanted to do was to equate premium novels to finished ones and say that all finished novels require you to pay. I'll rescind that point and give it up, although from my point of view, the % is tiny and if you're running the equivalent as Premium -> VIP it still makes sense-ish. ... It's a weak argument though so I won't pursue it and leave it alone.
As for putting two drug dealers next to each other... Uh.... It's an interesting way to put that out, although I'll argue it's easy to get into and out of webnovels. The real question isn't answered though, which is one I asked for from the very beginning. Why should Qidian care and/or follow what other translators are doing?
I also have a problem with the idea of "Qidian MUST be in the wrong because WW is saying so" which is what the rest of this topic has devolved to (yet again i might add), I've mentioned I don't discuss things which are based on subjective "facts". This is one of those. In my eyes, Qidian might have a damaged reputation, but when you trace ALL of the arguments to one little white lotus yelling out that she is innocent, despite not daring to actually legally sue her ML for trying to have his way with her.... .... I'm sorry. You might win the accolades of the people, but I don't care until there's an actual legal document stating it happened OR that there's proof that it didn't happen. The way things are going WW just wants to play on the sidelines, drum up the love of the populace which results in more patreon money because fuck Qidian. shrugs
If people want to overpay for patreon and get less value for it, it's up to them. I've yet to see any real reason why Qidian's premium is objectively worse than Patreon.
... Good bye? don't let the door hit you on the way out? I'm only actively trying to discuss the price of Qidian's Premium versus patreon and I've yet to see anyone counter my argument of patreon being more expensive at all. shrugs if you want to white knight for WW, please do so by all means. I'm uninvolved with that mess and do not care whatsoever about the alleged problems between WW and Qidian. shrugs Go to court if you have a case, don't whine all over the place as if you're in the right otherwise.
Logic of why they should provide more other than other people are doing it. I still don't see anything just more whining of entitled people because they think they received a free product in the past and that means that companies MUST endure losses to continue providing said product for nothing. I'm perfectly willing to debate logical arguments, but not ones that are based on the idea of entitlement.