August 2021- Review Swap here!
ClaisiceLouice sure I'll review yours when I'm done reading.
Jaced Thank you! I'll do yours as soon as I can :)
@modestbaddie @1AM Hey! Just wanted to remind y'all about the review swaps for when y'all have time! (There's no rush from me. This is just a check-in. I'm also behind on writing reviews. :sweat_smile:)
Reviewed your story.
Following is mine. review it whenever.
Hi - reviewed yours. Following is my story.
Currently my novel has only two chapters, but I will be posting one a day, take a look
anushka_puri no problem
Meg_Goodhope Done reviewing yours! You have a nice plot and great story!
Hi, would you do a review swap with me? My novel is called 'The Midnight Crime'. Here's the link:
Will drop a review on yours too :)
Melissa_sanda here mine if you want to swap
H0racio I'll review yours! heres mine:
dinoriii Done reviewing your work! I hope you could also drop a review on mine.
Blackpaint Thanks, done with yours as well :)
Meg_Goodhope Let's review swap, here's my link
miu_hozuki Thanks, reviewing yours now.