Hi I want to ask something how can I continue writing without losing my previous paragraphs ? and if I click save where can I find my piece of writing ?
finding my previous paragraphs ?
- Edited
Eeeee, mate. First and foremost you shouldn't write down your story on inkstone. Also, if you want to retrieve paragraphs you just wrote on inkstone but deleted them, you can simply press CTRL+Z or CMD+Z if you're a MAC user.
But really, I wouldn't recommend saving your work only on Inkstone. Have another somewhere else. You never know, it can be useful. Ah, also, don't write your story using Inkstone, it's unreliable and sometimes can just kick you out because of a connection issue or some other stuff.
Inkstone -> workspace -> stories -> [your novel] -> explore -> draft
yes you are right if I can't write my story on inkstone where can I write it down ?
madani_warda microsoft word? then just paste it on inkstone after.
you know, inkstone can be unreliable sometimes.
1) Microsoft Word (like the guy up said)
2) Google Doc (accessible on google drive for free)
3) Notes
4) Etc.
There are tons of ways to do it man. If you really don't know or have preferences, for now, you can start with google doc. It'll store your stories online.
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