why When I try to unlock any chapter in any of the discount novel it show 401 error and still locked
TGIF # 10
Porcupint http://www.webnovel.com/tag/list?tagName=Premium Courtesy of NeverFire7 :thumbsup: ns if it works on phone but definitely works on the desktop site.
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL OMG no mass release Its not TGIF for us this week.
A time to spend money again :) 30% is over the charts!
The first in history for such a discount!!
The irony
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I can't buy chapters, error -401.
Damos me too, damn it!
Got an error (-401) when attempting to unlock The strongest system chapters
CloudWithaChance Bro, just update your webnovel up to fix it
AntiBallisticMayo Just update your webnovel app to fix it
Using inkstone I hope there would be a possible donation to the author. This gives motovation to the author and could possibly help generate ideas
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL i cannot unlock tka chap 1037. Error message was 'chapter validate failed'. I have sufficient spirit stones.
Can read anything it keeps saying failed to validate chapter
Well, the positive news is we might get 50 spirit stones as compensation for this XD
whats this error? fix plz
My Webnovel-App ist the newest version, but i still get that damn Error 401 thing. So damn annoying
How frustrating! This weekend I used up a bunch of expiring bonus stones to unlock premium chapters. Actually, the most frustrating part is not being able to unlock batches of chapters in one shot. I clicked through each one. Did I miss a tool somewhere?