nileson I don't give five for free, If I read it, I'll challenge your work, I don't need free stars as well, I'm looking for tracks to improve on my work, sorry
If you do want to challenge my notation, I'll give it a shot.

    nileson done plzz do mine as well.....
    And sorry for being let...ur story is really nice...


      I can check out your book but no promises on that 5-star rating and I think it would be best to stop asking people to give you one. Ratings are meant to be based on a personal judgment of what the audience thinks of your book after all.

      Keep writing though <3

        Mayline_Carraro hey as we have already reviewed each other book why don't we add each others book in the library and like the author's page this time....
        Knock me if u r interested....
        And btw nice seeing u too..

          nileson I replied to you, and I'm about to copy paste the exact same message right below.
          I don't give five stars for free, If I read it, I'll challenge your work, I don't need free stars as well, I'm looking for tracks to improve on my work, sorry
          If you do want to challenge my notation, I'll give it a shot. I'll stay honnest

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