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    Yes. Already saved the book to the library

      Have a look at my new Dark Fantasy novel that I submitted to the WSA called Plastic Primrose.
      [Mature Content Warning]
      Sitting down in front of her television, Selma Walsh watches in horror and disgust as a former classmate's name is broadcasted in the weekly execution schedule. Growing up in the New American Coalition has conditioned Selma to seeing these atrocious acts as just normal occurrences, no matter how terrible they are. However, seeing the name of someone she once loved leaves her feeling truly afraid of her fate.
      Centuries after the 5th World War has left most of the United States uninhabitable, the NAC remains as the only safe haven for human life in Eastern America. However, with fanatical leaders left wishing and romanticizing life before the Darkness, strict laws were placed.
      Now, once a child becomes an adult, they are expected to be married and to immediately start a family. Those that are not, are conscripted into the military for skirmishes in areas outside of the safe havens.
      All for the betterment of humanity.

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