maverick_maya give me your link
September 2021- Review Swap here!
hello I did a review for you but you have not done mine ye. I read a few chapters and wrote some comments for your novel. Kindly do the same for my novel, link is below.
Wei_Wuxian_2902 hey l've already review urs but still didn't get mine... Hope u gonna do it soon plzzz...
Here's mine
I'll do the same for yours as well
I haven;t got your review back, too. Please do the same as I am going to delete my review soon,
Done, it's a nice story. Here is mine's-journal_24226431006174105
Please allow me to try breaking your minds with my mind blowing stories!!!!
I am a new writer but if you are searching for a book out of the norm then please give my first novel a chance.
This is the link:
Thank you for your time,
Sahaaae hey reviewed urs...also added to my library.... So hope u gonna do the same...
Here is mine...
Melchisedec hello! i left you a review, hope you can do the same for mine
JulyFantasy up for a review swap? If yes, then here is my link
AYESHA_FAHIM have you done?
NyxReveuse thanks I've done yours as well
Yo, I'm back and sorta desperate, I have 3 days left for the villan competition and I started a week late, swap reviews with me and give me your honest opinion and I'll do the same back, the project at hand is called [Reincarnated Mafia boss: Heroes Academy?] If the hyperlink doesn't work.
TurtleMaster6319 Review my book and leave few paragraph comments I would do the same