Rampaije Review My book, and leave comments on paragraphs, Add to collaction and I would do the same
Rampaije Review My book, and leave comments on paragraphs, Add to collaction and I would do the same
Please review my book
SoniiNaaz Done, nice book ^.^
erickaghaniya let's do a review swap, here is my link
blossoms_hkhk loved your book! keep going
Willhem_Duy loved yours as well.
AYESHA_FAHIM done the same
SoniiNaaz loved yours pls do the same
Hello everyone!
If you are into gaming and action novels, then I've got one you will like.
It focuses on the extreme lengths a video game can reach for the sake of immersion and realism, at the expense of the chronic addiction of real-life players. The main protagonist is the prime example of many. This novel tries to wrestle with these hard concepts and make sense of them while having fun doing so. Read of how he struggles with making sense of the virtual world about the real world, and how his decisions make a huge impact on his real life.
Synopsis: A critically acclaimed virtual reality game enslaves a large number of gamers into a thirst for vengeance against digital deities and entities.
maverick_maya give me your link
hello I did a review for you but you have not done mine ye. I read a few chapters and wrote some comments for your novel. Kindly do the same for my novel, link is below.
Wei_Wuxian_2902 hey l've already review urs but still didn't get mine... Hope u gonna do it soon plzzz...
Here's mine
I'll do the same for yours as well
I haven;t got your review back, too. Please do the same as I am going to delete my review soon,
Done, it's a nice story. Here is mine
Please allow me to try breaking your minds with my mind blowing stories!!!!
I am a new writer but if you are searching for a book out of the norm then please give my first novel a chance.
This is the link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-battler-swordsman_23420114006636105
Thank you for your time,