September 2021- Review Swap here!
Ninestar619_5803 I had no time today, I'll push your review for later, I'm deeply sorry
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Anyone wanna review swap? I give five stars and honest reviews
DaisukiDayoSenpai yeah sure, why not
Anotoki wanna review swap with me also collection swap???
Reply me if u r interested and then l will go do my work
Anotoki Are you up for a review swap? Here is my link
Constructive review swap only please
_Rockbison_ it's done
DaisukiDayoSenpai I already do yours
To those author who already review mine please wait, I already added it to my Library, I like reviewing honestly so I read before leaving a review, pls be patient, (if you still doubt me, you can look at my activity.
Btw, to those who wants honest review
Here's mine
Just let me know when you're done, I'll add it to my library and review after reading.
Anotoki I'll leave a review soon!
sm_yesa Sure! I'll leave you a review, here's my novel'dead'_24415403106548605
I leave five stars and honest words in my review
sm_yesa Hi! I am interested in your honest review. Below is my link but give me a couple of days as I've got something going on at the moment. Thanks!
iwo835 Sure! I'll be waiting for your review, I'll write a review for your novel. I give five stars but my reviews are true to its words ehehhehe
PerkyPompous_Pixie Do you wanna review swap? Here's my novel'dead'_24415403106548605
I'll leave a review for your novel once I'm done with the others ^-^
sm_yesa I'm done with the review, thanks ^-^'dead'_24415403106548605