I'll check yours
Here's link to my story : https://www.webnovel.com/book/reverie-the-reincarnated-warrior_24607885405146305
I'll check yours
Here's link to my story : https://www.webnovel.com/book/reverie-the-reincarnated-warrior_24607885405146305
AYESHA_FAHIM we have already done reviewing each other book
_Rockbison_ I know, I just started writing a new novel, and want you to review it, you can ask for anything like chapter comments or collection or anything like that
ArcSan done leaving a review! here's mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-celestial-empire_24611492405160605 hope you enjoy what I have so far
My friends make between 80 and 100 per hour on the internet... has been unemployed for 8 months, [aut-30] but last month her income was 20,000 because she only worked 5 hours a day on her laptop.
SEE THIS LINK:>>>> https://ninoguppevigu253.pages.dev
Review swap? Fantasy Romance
lohse_ Fine. Here is my link. Please read atleast 5 chapters before reviewing it. Let me know if you want to swap comments too.
Review swap... I have too books, will do the review, comment and other when I see them, https://webnovel.com/book/23834033206857105?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4320340526
Hi All,
Looking to review swap, preferably with someone interested in Fantasy. I've only got 4 chapters, would appreciate feedback!
leeroycgna sure, I've uploaded three chapters, read and review, honest review
Please lovelies I need reviews swap this is the link kindly drop yours too I'll review back
Kirito_K5 Im interested just drop your link this is mine, https://m.webnovel.com/book/double-identities_24625170206505205/chapter-7_66103213346049073?from=catalog
AYESHA_FAHIM I just commented on your book now
AuthorZamsii321 Sure. But please give honest review. Most authors just copy paste others.
Btw here is my link. Let me know if you want to swap comments too.