I have already done review swaps with some authors. So I would like to do more of them but please leave reviews on my novel first because a lot of times I leave reviews on books of other authors and they never respond, leading me to delete my review on their books. If you really dont want to do that, I can leave one first too!
I will usually respond within a few hours of you leaving a review on my book without fail. Thanks for your time!

    GMSJakers Uhh, your link? Nevermind I'll find it somehow lmao, I'll do yours in a few hours >.<

      RomanceFanatic028 sure, I've uploaded only two chapters yet, I'll read your first three chapters and comment on them, and a review, done?

        AYESHA_FAHIM Okay, deal. I need a collection and a like heart on my profile I hope you understood what I am saying go to my profile and click at the "♥️" heart🫶🏻😍 i will review your book

          AYESHA_FAHIM I add your book in my library but as I start reading. You just updated 1 chapter and in 15h. I can't review yours now if i did just reading one chapter it will look fake. Your book isn't in vetting process yet... Please write few more chapters than ask for a honest review. As I said, it will look fake. I can't review honestly right now 💕 You can mention me (fluffybarries29) again after your book comes in your original work😍♥️

            Dreamerx30 You are correct, I'll do yours for the moment, and I'll definitely get back to you after my book has finished the venting process. Wait for me😁

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