September 2021- Review Swap here!
GMSJakers Hello, didn't mean to urge you but when are you going to review my book? I've done yours since 8 days ago.
Please send your book link
AutumnsCicada sure ill give you a review
AutumnsCicada Done ! Good writing
Pls check my book out, im currently rank 13 in the power stones ranking (fanfic-monthly)
Pls leave atleast 1 power stone if you check my story
Will you review mine ?
Evorum Yes, thank you for the ps! I've run out of them today so I'll vote for u tommorow
madiha_masood Done as well. It was very interesting
madiha_masood Here's the link:'s-pet-is-a-werewolf_24885153606408705 Thank you!
Anyone up for a review swap? Here’s the link to my story: ‘Tell No One’.'s-moderate-work_24859861805029505
who likes detective stories try checking mine, give me some criticism and honest reviews and I'll do the same
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Anyone up for a review swap? Collection and comments review could work too ^^
NyxReveuse am in just if you agree to do the same
NyxReveuse added yours. I will check up on it later and leave review and comments
Hey guys, let’s swap reviews comments and so on. Here’s my link
Follow mine and I promise to do the same..thanks.
FA3zy Done, am doing yours now ^^
FA3zy I added yours in my library. Review soon. Here is mine
NyxReveuse I add yours in my library here is mine I will review soon.