ThePotatoKing Thanks, ^^
September 2021- Review Swap here!
Peace_in_Chaos Reviewed, collected and commented. Your story is awesome. You just got a fan here! My link is below,
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Author_Enigwe added to my library, will review in a short while. here is my link.
edited to add: reviewed, collected and commented. Your story is lovely.
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@WritersBlocku @Zuzu_1 and anyone else who hasn't swapped yet with me and is interested in doing so, I'll collect, comment, and review yours so please do the same, here's the link:
MerrySweet Hey, I'm waiting for more chapters from this lovely book
ThePotatoKing I'm game.
Sakura_Charmash Consider it done. I'll get to work on it,
Zhoa_Fei Thank you!
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@Sakura_Charmash Discord? No pressure though <3
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MerrySweet sure thing. but I'm not much familiar with discord so you'll have to help me to find you there.
Hello, I am up for a review swap. Read five chapters, and drop at least one comment. I will review your work as soon as I get your review.'s-prey_24866225305066405
Sakura_Charmash Please add me on discord as well, I'd like to learn from you. WritersBlocku#7564
would you like to swap review ?
here is mine
Lee_Hazel I'll give yours a go, just give me some time, here's mine.
I am done with yours, waiting for mine!
Lee_Hazel I'm in.
Lee_Hazel reviewed, commented and collected. Loved your story.