Demons_and_I I was mistaken about the prologue bit my bad, though I made comments concerning the exposition of the actually first chapter

    Demons_and_I I gave you another review, I know it may take some time, but I strongly suggest breaking up those first 5 chapters and getting rid of the character exposition. The world exposition is fine if you feel like you really need it to be there. Other than that, i don't want exposition explaining Cain's relationships with any character. Not even his family. Which is why I suggest bolstering the number of chapters, I know you wanna get to action and make it snazzy but I'm telling you it will make your story better if you slow down just a little bit

      McWms99 I'll try my best. I'm trying to figure out a way to break the chapters up to make them shorter without removing any content. Do you have any ideas as to how I can go about this?

      angel_ododo Sure. Send me the book's title and author name. Or how I read it though. Well my novel is "Healing An Illness" by angel_ododo.

        GMSJakers What's up bro. Happy New Year 🎉. Can I ask you to do a re-review of my novel? I have done some editing to the first 9 chapters, and I'd like to know what someone who had read the previous version thinks. Please, help a brother out 🙏

        McWms99 Happy New Year. I will like to ask if you can review my first chapters. I took your advice on breaking up the first few chapters, and I've decided to edit the entire book. If you still have any complaints, please critisize me on them. If you can't do this, that's fine also. Thank you.

          Good Evening, who's up for a review? Here's mine...

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