I’ll review your book shortly, could you also review mine?
Please let me know once you’ve reviewed mine, thanks!
I’ll review your book shortly, could you also review mine?
Please let me know once you’ve reviewed mine, thanks!
Would you like to review swap? I’ll review yours shortly (3-5 hours), here’s my link: https://m.webnovel.com/book/travesty-of-1959_26147833805198705
Would you like to review swap? If so, send me your link. Here’s mine: https://m.webnovel.com/book/travesty-of-1959_26147833805198705
eudine I am reviewing yours if possible, please do mine
I have finished your review
Zeroce I'm starting to read now, you can use the link in the post you replied to.
Would you like to do a review swap?
Yes you did give my book quite your time,
and as promised I have already read your book and dropped a comment in ch 1 and 11.
I will wait for you if you are comfortable in contacting me, or I will drop a review anyway in few hours.
You may not like it tho, i will try to be as humble as i can.
Its fine I want to improve anyway
Then i will suggest you to contact me on discord instead, i can explain you a few more things there that i can't explain in review.
Zeroce Done now, waiting for yours
BS_Entertainment Sure but I can read it tomorrow, reply when you have started reading mine.
Here's the link
I have sent you a request on discord
LordShivaStories Done with mine. Waiting for your review.
Zeroce I am sending
LordShivaStories done, reviewed your book