eudine thanks a lot for the review. I've seen them. I was also more descriptive in the following chapters, but I will try to improve though.

    DARK_DEKU Sure. If you're willing to read and review mine as well. Send me a link of your story


      Just posted review. Sorry it took so long. I enjoyed your story. I'll definitely read more as time permits.

        ZyRule Reviewed yours. It is good.
        But I would advise you to revisit the chapters again. The 'his' and 'her' are wrong there. In the first chapter, I thought the protagonist is male. Later in the second chapter found out it was female. The synopsis too tells us about a female vigilante.
        Also, there is a bit of confusion about the protagonist's age in the first chapter.

          Hey Little Devil Here! Anyone up for a review swap? My own is a cultivation novel. I'm not one for leaving comments as I tend to believe every author has their own way of writing and adding in details. However, if you request it, I will do so. My novel link is:
          Also no promises, but if I really like your novel and I have time, I might offer to help edit it.

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