Grandmasters Hey, I left a review on your novel. Here's mine!_26416663305042405
September 2021- Review Swap here!
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GMSJakers Hey, I reviewed yours. Here's mine. Let me know what you think!
Grandmasters Sure let's do it. But atleast read 4-5 chapters before writing your review. It's historical romance and character driven. You r in?'s-warrior-queen-jwala_26298072906909005
Grandmasters sure! Will check within the day
Grandmasters yeah! Here's mine!
Masters Of The Night Wanderers {BL}
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review swap anyone?
here's the link to my novel
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@GMSJakers Done your review and added to library here mine
eudine I can leave a review if you like and you too just review but spend some coins too. Does that seem so not normal? You can just spend some coins and I'll leave the right to review for you. I just want coins or gifts and I am up to leave a review for you.....
Idyllic_Scribe Hey! I am waiting....
Review swap, anyone?
Anyone who wants a review swap,
MeowMeowGourmet Hi! I apologize for the delay, I’ll leave a review & comments in an hour or so when I’m home
This is my novel if anyone would like to do a review swap it’ll be easier to let me know on my instagram NoTe_novel but this is it
GMSJakers Hey! Why would you delete your review on my Novel? Are you crazy?
MeowMeowGourmet Done! I also left comments
Is anyone up for a review swap?'s-reign_26432474505097105