mrant12 Done, can you write a review for my book too? many thanks
September 2021- Review Swap here!
KayLillyt_1 done, can you write one for minded too?
Hello! I am in need of 4 reviews to reach 10 on my novel
Whoever wants to swap I'll do the review back as soon as I'm available during the same day.
Greetings :)
Skywards hi! i'm done with my review and I also collected it. please make me a review and add me in your collection as well... i heard adding to collection makes it better for the algorithm to present our work
Hero_DarkyDark completed it, realized I never said it when i did it a month ago
Title: Repent In Purgatory
Genre: Fantasy. Action. Adventure.
"We all die eventually, that's when we have to see what lays beyond that door at the end of our life; and how our actions in the living may affect our afterlife."
After an early death, a young man finds himself in purgatory. Being greeted by an angel, he was surprised to find that they were impressed by his work during his life and wants to hire him as a case/social worker for the souls in purgatory. While it's better than hell, many are still chained by their sins during life and can fall victim to being completely corrupted by them. From fighting demon monsters to helping people who regret stealing a candy bar, someone has to help these lingering souls as they repent. Seems like some work is never done, even after death.
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Anyone wanna Review swap with mine?
p jpg
Anyone wanna Review swap with mine?
echogillana Thank you! I found it really helpful and I am looking for what you told me. I added yours to my Library and I am going to work on the review.
Skywards please add it to your library
Anyone wants review swap? This is a FL novel if it suits your taste then reply with ur novel link plz.
hi! can you make a review on mine as well? and also swap powerstone and add to collection too :)
echogillana done too
ranmaro please add to your collection I will do the same
If all of you like contemporer romance, pls review and add to your library. I also write fantasy and other stories about love and revenge.
Check it out, okay? Will you review swap with me?
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