KayLillyt_1 Do you like to exchange review...? I'll leave my link if your interested.
September 2021- Review Swap here!
RedSonia Do you like to swap review...? I'll leave my link if your interested.
lala_sanara Do you like to swap review...? I'll leave my link if your interested.
Don't usually do this but i am up for review swaps
Lord_of_sleep I'm up.
Here's mine: https://www.webnovel.com/book/21096294905195705
I'll do yours ASAP
Proteety_Promi Thanks just read yours as well
RedSonia Let's swap..Here's mine: https://m.webnovel.com/book/living-with-karma_20178650605550805
lala_sanara Wanna swap with me? If interested, here's mine: https://m.webnovel.com/book/living-with-karma_20178650605550805
Anyone review swap???
I'm going to leave mine. Let me know yours as well if you are interested.
Akira_Monadelle Just reviewed
Proteety_Promi Added yours to the library.
here is mine