RomanceFanatic028 I'm a week late to the party. Still interested in review swap? I can do yours tonight.
September 2021- Review Swap here!
Who wants to do a review swap? I will read your book, leave some comments, add to my library, and leave a kind review. I'm bad at checking notifications on the forum, but if I see a review on my book I will immediately go return even if I haven't responded to you on here. Thanks!
Esther: The King's Beloved by Currer
King_Undead Goodday, bro...
You still haven't upheld your end of the bargain when you said you will. I don't mean to pressure you, but I hope it can be done a bit hastier. Thank you.
neither of you have reviewed me back yet, I hope you uphold your end of the deal soon.
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GoldenStrider Hey! I actually uphold my end and always do so quickly! Interested in swapping with me? I can do yours right now.
Currer do mine and i will do yours
Demons_and_I done. Check
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GoldenStrider King_Undead Done and done! Great books, guys. Keep up the good work!
Currer Mind adding it to your collection?
And I appreciate your amazing review.
Review swap please? Here's my link.
Arkbrave only review swap or comments too, and what about collection.
Here's the link .
I'd like to swap reviews and chapter comments . HERE'S THE LINK TO MY BOOK
Megan_Immanuella the link is not working as you can see yourself that your link isn't blue in colour.
And review and comment on my novel so I will do the same for you, and give another link for book.
Arkbrave Sure....
Here's my link:
Arkbrave ofc this is the name of my book and my profile link
Book name and link to book -Team of Exes and Ohs
Link to profile-
htxtoniek I'm up for a review and collection swap...
Here's the link to my book:
Send me a message if you agree...
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King_Undead It's added!
RyujiSakamata I have reviewed yours with 5 stars, do the same for me.
htxtoniek Could you review or comment on my book, and I will do the same for you.
RyujiSakamata Hey, I'm reading your book right now and I'm going to give a review and give you 1 powerstone when done
Would you please do mine as I do yours?