- Edited
GoldenStrider Hey! I actually uphold my end and always do so quickly! Interested in swapping with me? I can do yours right now.
GoldenStrider Hey! I actually uphold my end and always do so quickly! Interested in swapping with me? I can do yours right now.
Currer do mine and i will do yours
Demons_and_I done. Check
GoldenStrider King_Undead Done and done! Great books, guys. Keep up the good work!
Currer Mind adding it to your collection?
And I appreciate your amazing review.
Review swap please? Here's my link. https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/25455404006228605?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4307013097
Arkbrave only review swap or comments too, and what about collection.
Here's the link .
I'd like to swap reviews and chapter comments . HERE'S THE LINK TO MY BOOKhttps://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/25357471606989505?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4319974613.
Megan_Immanuella the link is not working as you can see yourself that your link isn't blue in colour.
And review and comment on my novel so I will do the same for you, and give another link for book.
Arkbrave Sure....
Here's my link: https://m.webnovel.com/book/god-ash_24571391405017605
Arkbrave ofc this is the name of my book and my profile link
Book name and link to book -Team of Exes and Ohs https://www.webnovel.com/book/team-of-exes-and-ohs_23691654706573205###
Link to profile- https://www.webnovel.com/profile/4318089990?appId=10
htxtoniek I'm up for a review and collection swap...
Here's the link to my book: https://m.webnovel.com/book/god-ash_24571391405017605
Send me a message if you agree...
King_Undead It's added!
RyujiSakamata I have reviewed yours with 5 stars, do the same for me.
htxtoniek Could you review or comment on my book, and I will do the same for you.
RyujiSakamata Hey, I'm reading your book right now and I'm going to give a review and give you 1 powerstone when done
Would you please do mine as I do yours?
RyujiSakamata Can you do mine aswell?
https://www.webnovel.com/book/halo-of-dreams_24398739606423105/halo-of-dreams_68443804360819087 The first chapter after the prologue just dropped.
RyujiSakamata I've given you one power stone and will do the review in a bit!
RyujiSakamata Hi, I've finished the review!
Let me just say, from me to you: I'm your target audience!
Even though we just review swapped, I did mean every word in that review, haha!
What I mean to say is that I'll genuinely be following your book to see how it builds!
King_Undead sorry mistake. Here's the link.