Muskan_Chhajer Yeah sure let's swap here is my novel it's a romance fantasy I hope you enjoy it.
September 2021- Review Swap here!
Anotoki Done with the review.
Yi_Xi Done with review and collection.
prettygirl_93 Done with the review and collection.
Tomorrowceases Hey man i just put a review by the name of lilhawk.
Here is mine
DaoistNY82WR hey if you are interested. I really like dragon-based novels.
Here's mine :'s-obsession_20683122906929905
Pixiepiu Hey would you like to swap with mine. (I think I read your novel before but I guess I didn't leave a review yet.)
Anyway here is mine,
I'm in.
I've added yours to my collection
Hi guys anyone want to exchange reviews but least at least read 1 or 2 chapters before reviewing
HUMOR_SENSE101 Yes, It may take me some time to review your novel. if you don't mind.
Hi guys anyone want to exchange reviews but least at least read 1 or 2 chapters before reviewing
Here's my link
MayDreamer hey can you review my work
DaoistNY82WR hey man can we exchange reviews here's my link
Please read some chapters
Yanie_Long let's exchange reviews here's mine
Pixiepiu yep no problem take your time.
Yanie_Long Thanks I will do yours then.
Shico_rai Sure and I always read before reviewing so you can trust my judgment.
And yeah here is mine.
MayDreamer thanks I'll read yours
MayDreamer thanks I'll read yours
MayDreamer thanks I'll read yours