September 2021- Review Swap here!
Hey everyone! Are you tired of the ARE YOU HUMAN Verification? Do you want real time review swaps, genuine feedback on your writing, FREE POWERSTONES, GLORIOUS PROMOTIONS, or just want to connect with other writers/or readers? Then you should check out our Discord Audertist! Feel free to join and invite a friend along. Hope to see you soon!
Dissociation which work do you want me to review
Juliet_Omuadona Done (: I reviewed and commented. Can you do the same for me?
Dissociation This is a good read! Reviewed for you.
If you don't mind, could you do the same for me?
Naysay3r I've reviewed yours. Fun read. Swap?
Dissociation Sure. Take your time.
Aescwine Done with yours. Thanks for waiting
Need more to review swap with (mine's fantasy male leading) Why I (don't) regret looking for the dragon's eyes
I'll be available for 24 more hours
Reply, I'll do the same to yours
Mayline_Carraro Great story! I've given you a review. If you don't mind, here's my story to review:
lohse_ Seen it, thanks for your time, on yours for the next hours
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Done, thanks for the review.
I am still up for a review swap, read three chapters and drop a comment if you can. I will do the same.
Reply, I'll do the same to yours.
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Juliet_Omuadona lohse_ @Jahy
Apologies for the late reply! The plane of dreams called!
My wifi also died so that may have been a factor ^^'
Here my link, although I doubt y'all need it's-grasp_23394656605248605###
Perfect day for me to do a ton of reading as I got a four hour car drive ahead of me!
I read and reviewed your book. The world building you have going on is really good.
If you don't mind, swap? There's a link to my book if you scroll up a bit
Juliet_Omuadona Hi I did. Wonderful story. Hope you will do mine too.