MIMI24 wanna review swap
Shadow's heir
MIMI24 wanna review swap
Shadow's heir
TurtleMaster6319 i didnt get that..
I reviewed yours and it's interesting indeed however it was somewhat confusing to me, through the point was clear and I could fallow along well, so I hope it does well.
I reviewed your book and it's an interesting take, through I do get lost sometimes and a bit distracted periodically, the book brought back the interest in no time. I hope it does well.
ZYNE I already left a review. Hope you will review mine too.
Rayne_Rue I left a review on yours. Hope you will review mine too.
Hey, anyone up to swap reviews on this lovely night
If the hyperlink dosen't work, my book is [Incubus's Curse 2: Path To Incubism] I'll in turn review yours since that's what swap means I suppose?
Hey reviews and collections?
blossoms_hkhk https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/23722274906834405?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4315396230
Hey reviews and collections?
Tharish99 https://dynamic.webnovel.com/book/23722274906834405?utm_source=writerShare&utm_campaign=4315396230
Hey reviews and collections
For sure! I'll try to do it asap!
Review swap
Sure! I'll try to review as soon as I can!