Maryam_Mayo Already done! Pls do mine! Feel free to comment on anything!
September 2021- Review Swap here!
f0011 Just left a review on your story. Gotta say after chapter four things really took a dark dive and I'm curious to see how things are going to play out!
Isabelle_Kenny Just left a review, would be honor if you could do the same~!
Lord_Bell done hereβs mine
LoeyChan review swap..
Crazy_Ume review swap
Hello everyone. I am new to web novel. I have started a new book and I hope you can do a review. I will do the same for yours. Thank you.
Melchisedec You're welcome! Gonna start reading yours now!
Little_North_Star OK Will start reading yours soon! Thank you!
Melchisedec Done with yours!
Crazy_Ume Given my review. Your work is amazing
Will do a review swap, though be as honest as you wish when reviewing, I want to improve. if you can't read all of it at least finish the prologue before reviewing
Light_LOD Melchisedec DonDenis Crazy_Ume
Anyone wants to swap? If yes then let me know.
Here is my link. (Read atleast 5 chapters before reviewing it. The chapters are short.)
Yeah sure your link