Hey, I'm up for review swap along with collection and chapter comments. Please read five chapters of my book and collect along with leaving at least three comments. I will do the same with yours, when you are done with mine. Here's the link.
September 2021- Review Swap here!
WritersBlocku reviewed,commented and collected. Loved the idea of your story!
Sakura_Charmash thanks! I'll get started on yours, I'll try to post a review as soon as possibe.
Juliet_Omuadona are you still interested in a review swap
Sakura_Charmash alright
Zuzu_1 please give ne your link so I can start on your book.
RomanceFanatic028 reviewed, collected and commented. I'm definitely going to read more of this book.
I'm looking for more paragraph comments and collections my self. Please review when you have time.
Here us my link.
Sakura_Charmash I am up for it. Here is mine.
Excelsior_x reviewed, commented and collected. I'm in love with your writing style, great work!
Done with the review.
Loved your story!
Anyone up for a review + col swap?
Please read at least 5 chaps b4 reviewing.
Zuzu_1 hey, I tried to go through your link it says no chapters available. Would you be able to recheck your link if somethings wrong?
Sakura_Charmash okay, am done with yours too
ThePotatoKing reviewed, collected and commented. I'm in love with your story, it has greatly impressed me.
ThePotatoKing Am interested
Zuzu_1 done reviewing. Commented and collected. Good luck with your future chapters!