Reviewed and collected...
Thanks a lot, I really like your story too, it's quite interesting
September 2021- Review Swap here!
Reviewed and collected, I really like your story too, it's quite interesting
ThePotatoKing Hey, done with yours, has a great potential for selling, wish I had the heart to continue reading
@Zhoa_Fei I received your review, thanks, will review yours shortly.
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Review my novel
After you are done be sure to tag me so i will review yours
Though I would prefer honest reviews
Rainandstorm Done ^^
Just wait for some time will read your story so
The review will look relevant.
NyxReveuse Done reviewing
Your novel is great.
TheOmnipotentOne Uh I didn't get your review yet? Did you send it already?
Anyone up for a review swap? Here’s the link to my story: ‘Tell No One’.
RomanceFanatic028 I have started yours. I will notify you when I complete it.
Mayline_Carraro okay thanks for the insight
Hello everyone, I am up for a review swap; read at least five chapters and drop comments. Write an honest review, and I will do the same for your work.'s-prey_24866225305066405
RomanceFanatic028 I have done yours and added it to my library. Good work. I really liked it.
You can notify me when you are done
Be expecting a review, have already added it my collection, cause your book look intriguing starting from the title
Good title
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Here are mine.'-grimoire-avatar-of-chaos_24237547305966505
I'll give yours a review when I see it.