September 2021- Review Swap here!
Hydra_Gairum Goodday. I'd like to do a review swap with you.
Here's the link to my novel:
I hope you are very honest in your review, and I will try to be honest in mine. Thank you.
Hydra_Gairum I'll read 10 chapters before I make a review.
Sure try to comment on the chap too
Demons_and_I Can you do a review swap with me too?
Hydra_Gairum I just did my review. Please can you do yours?
KexoHD Sure.... Just use my link that I've posted earlier to do mine and I'll do yours later, as my phone is about to run out of power...
Demons_and_I review mine too and some chapter comments if you like some paragraphs , add my novel to your library and let me know so that I can do yours too.
I'm done with reviewing and commenting, do mine now's-chosen_25408214906112505
GoldenStrider I have already added yours to collection and I have seen your comments and review. I will do yours now.
I just wanted to ask that , have you added my book to your library/collection ?
Just added it to collection
GoldenStrider Hi, would you like to review swap? My novel is [](https://)
sure, i'll do it now
GoldenStrider Hi! I just did your review!
Have you reviewed it yet? I can't see the review.
GoldenStrider Wanna review swap then?
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Demons_and_I sure also done
ok i'll review it, give me a few mins
GoldenStrider I have reviewed yours already.
i'm not able to see it, are you sure you posted it?
GoldenStrider I am able to see it,, can you give me your mail so I can send you a photo
Can we do a review swap?
Demons_and_I sure, do you want just review swap or chapter comments too?
King_Undead Chapter comments as well would be good.
Let's do the first 5 chapters, with eact chapter having at least one comment, before dropping a solid review. Deal?
How should i give it to you?
King_Undead I have left chapter comments from chapters 1 to 5 for you, and I am about to do a review. please can you uphold the end of our agreement?
GMSJakers Ye sure heres mine
Demons_and_I bro, I was offline, can't stay online whole day, don't be impatient. I am doing it now.
King_Undead Alright, no pressure...
RomanceFanatic028 I'm a week late to the party. Still interested in review swap? I can do yours tonight.
Who wants to do a review swap? I will read your book, leave some comments, add to my library, and leave a kind review. I'm bad at checking notifications on the forum, but if I see a review on my book I will immediately go return even if I haven't responded to you on here. Thanks!
Esther: The King's Beloved by Currer
King_Undead Goodday, bro...
You still haven't upheld your end of the bargain when you said you will. I don't mean to pressure you, but I hope it can be done a bit hastier. Thank you.
neither of you have reviewed me back yet, I hope you uphold your end of the deal soon.
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GoldenStrider Hey! I actually uphold my end and always do so quickly! Interested in swapping with me? I can do yours right now.