Marckaroni JS_C DaisukiDayoSenpai @modestbaddie @neonlover_1 @ALSterling @Devesh_Goyalji @shreya_ki !

Hey guys, want to swap honest story reviews? I'd appreciate it if you could review my story and leave comments on the chapters you read so I know you're actually reading it. And please only review if you're going to give genuine feedback, no fake or frustrated reviews, once youre done lmk ill review yours then please. Thanks!

    Marckaroni thanks, I'm still reading your novel. This was the first time I've read a novel with a really cold-blooded antihero so am taking notes hehhe. I'll leave a review in a few minutes.

    edit: I already put up my review. Really enjoying the read so far. Thanks for the review as well ^-^

    MrFay I'm done with your review, it was a pretty good read. How were you able to expand your vocabulary like that? I aspire to be a writer as talented as you, heuheu. Have a great day ahead!

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        JS_C I already wrote my review. It's the first time I've read an isekai start like that, which was nice since there were already plenty of times an isekai trope was repeated. Have a great day ^-^

          Hi guys I am here for a review swap for my latest book The Siren's Legacy. And I will be willing to review yours if you review mine. Besides you can check my other books, Her Unraveling, and The Lost Goddess Of Ancient Egypt. Here's the link for The Siren's Legacy

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