Thank you so much! I'm sorry it took so long to get back to you. My daughter graduated from highschool, and her graduation was outside. I have health problems the sun exasperates.. Needless to say, I haven't been up to doing much, but I am much better now. I really appreciate your review. If you would like to give me some feedback in this forum, about what was comfusing, I would be thrilled. U can evem answer back myncommentnon the book, I dont mind either way. If You don't want to, no big deal.

    Ink_Quanta gonna be honest, I don't understand it. I'm not giing to spend coins or pay doe a book I do not find iteresting. We did a review swap, ao we are done. If you wanted my review to be realistic and truthful, then you wouldn't like it. I don't know what you want. Sorry.

      g_d I read and reviewed your story so far 😄 I actually genuinely enjoyed it and added it to my library. Looking forward to when you release more chapters.

      • g_d likes this
      • g_d replied to this.

        RomanceFanatic028 I have checked it multiple times. I see your para comment in chapter 1 and 3 but nothing other than that. There seems to ve a technical issue.
        Could you plz review it again?

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