Anyone want a review swap, pls do mine and reply to this message with your link, I will do yours
September 2021- Review Swap here!
UelUel just gave your book a review and a coll!
Please do the same for mine!
If anyone's down for a quick review swap, here's my book! Reply to me with your book after you've reviewed it.
Hello! I'm a new author here.
I currently working on my book called,
Crescent Veil : Chronicles of Intrigue
The genre is adventure, mystery, and magic.
Lord of Mystery is my favorite book and I took quite inspiration from that.
I hope you guys could try to read my book when you have time.
I want a chapter comment instead of review. But if you leave review much appreciate it. I have 8 chapter currently, if you do all 8. I'll also do all your first 8 chapters.
Thank you
UelUel Still waiting for my review dawg
Done my friend
Done my friend
Little_North_Star r u up for a review?
Here is mine.'s-blood_27640416500122405
Promoting my republished book! Open for review swaps(Proper reviews) and collection swaps.
ProPug He there
Here is my novel, I am doing yours right now
Shadow_Magus Added to collections, will do review by tonight
ProPug Thank you! will be waiting for the review
Ninestar619_5803 Sure thing! Thank you <3
Ninestar619_5803 I did yours about 3 month ago and your book are already in my list since then
I think you just gave me the 2nd review.
Ninestar619_5803 I'd already reviewed yours about 8 mths ago lol. I can't review it again
Check out my novel 'Love or Truth' and leave your comments and reviews. Here's the link:-
Hi guys, please give my book a try. You might like it.
I added yours to my collection. I'll get around to reviewing it as soon as I have time!