restful_sins Hey man I reviewed yours here's mine
September 2021- Review Swap here!'s-their-story_20386239106987705
A story about two friends who are always together. Their family keeps asking if they're in any relationship, but they always deny it. Keep reading to know their journey.'s-their-story_20386239106987705
A story about two friends who are always together. Their family keeps asking if they're in any relationship, but they always deny it. Keep reading to know their journey.
Hello I am new here can you guys do a review swap with me? Link: Just comment down if you guys want review swap thank you in advance.
- Edited
[deleted] yup, lets do a swap. I’ll do yours within today. Heres the link to mine:
Quick update: I’m done, so I’ll be waiting for yours :).
Review swap?
Title:Lotus Flower
Genre: BL Chinese Historical
Summary: Lui Xian finds himself stuck in a one-sided love story that is until he meets someone who takes him out of his comfort zone. This story has a little bit of everything and volume one is complete.
Review swap?
Title:Lotus Flower
Genre: BL Chinese Historical
Summary: Lui Xian finds himself stuck in a one-sided love story that is until he meets someone who takes him out of his comfort zone. This story has a little bit of everything and volume one is complete.
Review swap?
Title:Lotus Flower
Genre: BL Chinese Historical
Summary: Lui Xian finds himself stuck in a one-sided love story that is until he meets someone who takes him out of his comfort zone. This story has a little bit of everything and volume one is complete.
Grand_Void_Daoist luv this
LucienNg Thank you so much
Lamelle Hihi! Would love to do a review swap, your book's premise is right up my alley!!_21926493306555605
I'll add yours and review by tmr, thanks!
Let's swap and add to collection too.
This is my link:'s-their-story_20386239106987705
Queeniecat ok will review tomorrow as well.
Who wants to review swap?
Novel - Reincarnated As A Bee
Just reply with the name of your book and I will review it