One week missed had over 510 stones expire? ONE WEEK? Respectfully, you're either knowingly lying or someone above your head is making you tell a lie. There's shenanigans and there's this.

I went down to exactly 600 stones. What a nice, convenient round number has magically apppeared huh.

I lost over 900 spirit stones....dammit and you guys call yourself in loss situation...

It hurts

WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Webnovel you guys give dishonesty bad name ! i lost 600 stones today which going by record 40 ss for each missing day, as i never went into watching ads or other paths to collect SS it is total BS .
it matters little to me me as i read only a handful of titles and none of them are "premium" novels. nor i have mind to buy any SS even if you go all books premium as long as there is 1 chapter a day release. actually even if every chapter in future goes behind paywall at this point i have no intention to pay a single penny. there is alot of translated stuff out there.
lastly you can shove your "warmest regard " you know where.

Dang, I'm so speechless! Yesterday, (it's already 1:48 am here) I lost almost a hundred of SS. But before that, I spent the SS that are suppose to expire, but after that, new Spirit Stones will expire. Like, I have repeated the process for like four times 😑I'll spend my SS and new SS will expire and repeat 😑 I'm enjoying the novels that I'm reading but thinking that I'm spending spirit stones on them and at the same time, some of my SS expiring, it saddens me. What will happen in the future if this continues? I only get 20-30+ SS daily, and spend them on premium novels but some of it are expiring too. Ugh

I lost 500++, WTF?!! I got like 20 a day saving up and you just decide it to expire them. What an asshole!!

I don't understand how over 300 SS expired when I have irregular check-ins but fairly steady consumption. I could see like 100 max, but it seems like you just took out all the SS that could have expired without regards to how many we consumed in that period of time.

I lost my 220 hard earning income that I collected past is cruelll T.T

    321 bonus expires today
    I was spamming my friends with my link to get spirit stones and now that I have it, it's all gone? FCKKKKKK.
    I hate you
    I hate you
    I hate you
    I hate you
    I hate you, please die.

      WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I lost over 350 and I've been using over 16 stones a day which should cancel out some if not all spirit stones I lose. So I do not understand how I lost that many when I don't think I could've even gained 350 stones over a two week period.

        So yesterday i had over 1300 stone and now i have just over 500. Haven't really been using them either but i still want them.

          What the f*** happened #webnovel ??? I want my stones back.

            Man, what should I say I think something isn't working well in your system.
            It ain't is normal that I don't use any spirit stones in a day so its impossible to lose 43 ss in a day,
            picture of my ss getting blown away

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