
This is about Overpowered System!
i saw the three key word thing, just now.
1 Young boy with swords.
2 Some kind of cool friendly setting.
3 He is sitting on a throne.

    Plumberz I don't think we can edit but you could just repost everything as a whole or try and see if mentioning works

      Ventia If you have an email I can share you the google doc form as I mainly write my original drafts on that. If you don't feel comfortable sharing your personal email or whatnot, you can also create a new google account for the purpose of stuff like this.

      sandyyyy It only works on the website if you are using a computer but in the top bar, there should be something that looks like a really odd moon or C that's next to the Power Rankings.

        Hi yes I'd like to apply for a cover( when i hit 20 chapters on my short chapter novel thingy. Probably going to do 2 or 3 a day just to reach 20k words)

        Gets banished to the nether realm for not following the thread instructions


        Ventia K. I'll be responding with a new email too. It called AzuleEmperor@gmail.com, Also my first draft has around 11,000 words but is low quality. I'll be retyping everything later and changing some of the plot events around while also adding in some new things and more extensive detail as you can tell it is severely lacking.

          Also, do we have to have 20,000 words posted or just 20,000 words ready because I'll be ready soon and once that happens I plan on slowly releasing the chapters because I wouldn't have any stockpile afterward and would be rushing to get chapters out afterwards.

            AzuleX I think that it's posted. Would be weird if people could just say that they have 20k words written up and then get a free cover.

              Click on the create option in the bar at the top of the site. There should something that looks like a C or a moon next to it. It's called Inkstone. I personally would recommend waiting and instead using a something like google docs to get you started. After you are satisfied with your work you can copy and past it into inkstone for direct publishing.

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