What is going on early this morning I had around 1500 Stones but now I have 930 and that's after I logged on and other things.
Stones disappearing
ContesaRubia because the stones you get for free expire after 30 days since Quidian blessed us with premium extortion system like good honest capitalists
ContesaRubia Qidians system had a "faulted mistake" with many users having huge amounts of SS removed. And it's a so called "ACCIDENT" lemme reimburse and emphasize the "ACCIDENT" They call it.
- Edited
Heard of Magic?
Qidian had a code error so..... Adacabra
SS Lost
Go buy your SS from this lousy company that even codes can make themselves wrong!!!
3 years later
ContesaRubia maybe it expired? Check your ss record
Grand_Void_Daoist locked the discussion.