still isn't fixed
Fan Fic update BUG?
Fan fic update bug? I can't see the latest updates or see the latest novels.
plz fix the bordom is killing me
Chaosking24 go-to history and check the chapters if the numbers changed that's a way to do it until they fix their mess
DSKM im just refreshing my library every 10 mins XD
TheGourmet how long do you think they will take until they fix this problem?
I'll assume it'll take another half day for it to fix but atleast if it's in my library it still pings updates
DSKM IDK the last time took days i think
TheGourmet that's my fear I don't want to wait days for them to do their jobs
already waiting one day to fix the update problem.
jeanpierregerardo let's keep a log with how long we waited I waited since yesterday and now it's 2.38 here so it's over 36 hours, what about you guys?
Wow it takes a long time to fix the bug
it does with them apprently
DSKM nah man it's nearly 24 hours
yeah I'm dying here
jeanpierregerardo we are already bordering 72 hours or more for some ppl -_-
Wow.......It takes a long time to fix the bug(2)
if anything I think there no one working at/on Webnovel. looks at the spammer
Still bugged