TGIF # 11
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL Don’t forget who went premium first!! Bring me them Immortal Mortal chapters!
Where's the TGIF12?
TGIF 12?????
It is Friday right or I am counting the days wrong.
Sonamey heap its Friday
no more tgif probably lol
WEBNOVEL_OFFICIAL I was hoping for VVC to have mass release
Maybe they out of idea to arrange more TGIF
Once again QI fails in the most basic aspects for a business.
Still Friday afternoon here! Don't lose hope, we might have a TGIF!
- Edited
As long as it's still Friday somewhere on earth, I will be expecting a TGIF! :laughing:
I was hoping for War Sovereign Soaring the Heavens release but it looks like we won't get anything this week (rip TGIF)
RIP TGIF :cry:
Seems to me that there is a TGIS finally:
- Five chapters of Bringing the nation's husband home
- Ten chapters of Full Marks Hidden Marriage
There might be other releases that I didn't see.
DaofatherWar short answer; yes its a harem.
Long answer ; Wait, what? Spoils the ending? Really? Are you sure? Hmmm... okay then.
In the end, the MC end up with more than 2 girls and they have kids, live a happy and richful life together in place for rich people.
What? Its not detail enough? Just read the last chapter of the novel then. The detail is there. Although Im guessing some name would be unknown to you since some of the latest harem member are kinda late to join the membership. (Around the few last hundred chapter entry)