I have joined!!
My Werewolf Lover & I contest
Me too
I have a problem.
The book that I joined in the contest does not show in my webnovel profile
Thatguyray i have
Thatguyray I got the same problem. There is no voting option as well
Hhaahahah I joined. No way am I gonna write 800 chapters though. I just like the prompt, lmfao
Proteety_Promi Voting option will be available only after the vetting process.
The process starts after you write 4-5k words. So, the option will be available after few days you complete writing 5k words.
Allie_Garboczi I'm not sure how many chapters I'm going to write. I just love the theme
I did, just gonna do it for fun, though
I had been thinking of writing a werewolf novel for a long time and the opportunity just presented itself.
Jia_K I've written another werewolf novel, but that's contracted on another website. But after seeing this new contest, I just couldn't hold myself back. Anyway, good luck
Thanks, good luck to you too