I want to edit a novel. I have pretty much no experience in this field but I am pretty confident in my English even though it's not my native language because I have learned it since 3 years old. I don't need to be paid. Also, do you need to be signed by webnovel to be an editor?

    Depends, if you wanted to do it professionally for webnovel you would need to be signed by webnovel.

    But from what I gathered, you pretty much just wanna get into a writing project and help as an editor for free, so for that, you just need to pick a writer to help.

      Just find someone who wants an editor and ask if you can help him by editing his work.

        editorS3twLS Contact me on Discord for more details, more private there. Cyclxne#3415 is my username+tag.

          editorS3twLS You should read through some stories and then see if you find something that needs to be corrected and then you can message the writer and ask to help them out. Let them know it will be for free too, that will definitely get a lot of people being semi ok with you asking to edit their stories for them. Some people might now like it so try not to make them mad. :)

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