don't know whether it is just me or not, but every time i give my mail address to, say in getting the app section, or to when i'm linking my mail address with my qidian profile, there isn;t any mail sent, when it says that "a mail has been sent". don't know exactly wht is happening, but it is pissing me off... so i request the qidian official to respond to it, or if any one who have had the same problems, plz give me some tips.
thnk u

    It took a while for me to get my email, I think it took about 10 minutes, and it ended up in my junk folder so you'll probably get the email... eventually

      hmm.... i checked my mail thoroughly. even in the spams and trash. but there is nothing. not even a speck of dirt of qidian. and, this is not a problem which occurred to me recently. it has been happening to me ever since i started reading in qidian int. i only spoke up right now, so i don;t think ur 10mins works here. anyway, thnk u

        dude, I have the same problem too. I've been trying for almost an hour just to get my account have an email confirmation and it doesn't work at all. I used all my other email accounts just to try if my other email inbox has a problem but damn all of them did not receive any confirmation email. It's too frustrating TT that's why I am in this forum to look if someone has similar problem with mine :(

          jkirin man, i feel like calling u brother. ever since day 1, email problem is the only problem which i hate about qidian site. i tried it in the "Join Us", then "Get The App", and many more. i rechecked it several times, but to no avail.... at least, i am not the only one with this problem

            dapenggaofei sorry, but can u plz explain clearly? i can't understand wht email carrier is ... i always gave my email. and its domain is gmail.

              try!(to check your spam)::folder;

                already checked along with trash and everything!
                nothing. not even a speck of dirt of qidian

                  I have this exact problem! I have used both my Gmail and Hotmail accounts to no avail! The supposed sent email is not in SPAM nor any other part of my email!

                    OceanRose good! i wish i could call you a kid. i waited for almost 2 months. but i never got the supposed mail. a week after pondering wht happened, i eventually gave up.... until now.

                      The tech team is looking into it. I also have the same problem XD

                      2 months later

                      hello I just want to write my problem. I already activated my email until this January 5 to 10. I always check my mission to get exp. there I see that I have to activate my email, I know I already activated my email before but now it says al have to activate it. so i check my email and found the emailed activation messaged but when I activate it says the email is already used. Now I dont know how to activate my email again. thank you.

                        Basically the problem either user or email server, so what kind of email you used and are you sure not typing wrongly?
                        Qidian possibly won't error over trivial like sending mail, coz email being used as newsupdate or ads media

                          You mean that you have already activated your email. However the mission of activating your email is still undone in your mission list ? @Itachi2K3

                            HI there, have you bind your email address to any other thirdparty account like facebook/google/twitter? if did, one mail only can bind to one account, plz check, thanks.

                              Book_jam please tell me your id and the email you want to activate but fail, so i can check this question, thank you!

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