Nerdy_Joker_101 sure. Drop ur link here's mine
Shameless promotion & Review swaps
Hi who want to swap with me....
flamezdoa i'm available lol
OneClaudia lets begin then
Lin_Noel I reviewed your novel. Would appreciate it if you check out mine. It is called 8 The Infinity.
Is immortality a gift or curse? For 8 the suicidal immortal the answer is quite clear. But making his death wish a reality won't be an easy task. The Broken Wastelands are full of anomalous places that break the rules of physics, time and space, offering fates worse than death especially to an immortal such as 8. The people of the wastelands are no less dangerous, turning to fanatical and strange ways of life in order to fit the chaotic and twisted lands they call their home. What will 8 find first? A way to end his life once and for all? Or a purpose strong enough to make him abandon the search for death?
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flamezdoa i've reviewed yours, i'll be waiting for mine.
OneClaudia okay
flamezdoa I reviewed your novel, would appreciate it if you check out mine.
Nerdy_Joker_101 I reviewed your novel
Check out my latest novel My Angel system it's a very interesting novel for system lovers and trust me you'll love it the more you read it
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Cynical_Stranger hi, are you still interested in a swap?
Here’s the link to mine:
Quick update: im done reviewing yours, so i’ll be waiting for you
Cynical_Stranger I'll review swap with you, mine is Consume Me In This New World also can you send me the link?
Title: My Man Is A Villain, So Am I!!_20785171505744705
Review swap? Anyone???
P.S. I'll add your book to my collection and like your tags as well.
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OneClaudia do you wanna swap review?
CorwynGentry I reviewed your novel. I was quite harsh but those who my honest feelings about the novel, don't take it personally. These kind of stories are not my cup of tea anyways so I'm sure others appreciate it way more than me.
Here is my novel: (feel free to be harsh with me back ;))
Cynical_Stranger no problem let me read yours then I will