UelUel done. Please do the same https://www.webnovel.com/book/assasin-vendetta-the-beggining_27356809205268205
Promote Your Stories Here, review swap and comment swap
MyLawDude Yeah sure
Done, brother. Anyone, who would like to do a review swap, just put a review and I will do the same thing. Thanks!
Paty_Leo Yay! Okay, give me some time ><
Paty_Leo Done~ I'll be waiting for more!
summer_cicada can you do mine? I am happy to do yours.
OliverSmith_ Of course! Give some time~
Hello~ I'm open for review, comment, and collection swaps for my story. I love to read new novels and leave an honest review ^^ My story is still beginning so collections are very welcome, and reviews can be done once it is longer! REDEMPTION PARADOX
summer_cicada Hey, I'm down for a review and collection swap, and I'd love to review your story if you're willing to review two of my novelsyou can do just one if you like, but i'm looking for honest feedback, so
I will do a review swap, comment swap and also give ps if you want, lmk
https://www.webnovel.com/book/aevi-second-life_27346986005234205(this is my sept WPC entry btw)
TinyLord i have done a review... please, do mine!! I have commented and added to my collection.
Lin_Noel Hi, Noel, waiting for your review of my work!!! Hopefully, you are doing well!!!
Rarajasmin_jazz will be doing yours, please do mine - collection, review, and comments.
Rarajasmin_jazz hi, I have done reviewing and will keep reading and commenting. I loved your story!! amazing!! Please, read mine, do honest review and comment and collection please.
daniz_ done bro can you do the same.
. And whoelse want to just kind remind me
Sinadin_2ndth done here',s mine.
Collect and review
daniz_ MyLawDude @Paty_Leo @Tria_night @UelUel @OliverSmith_ @SayofChains88 @ProPug @ToufiqUlAlam
added all of yall to lib! Add me too cheers =)
Need review swaps on my book. Comment when you’re done and I’ll do same to yours. Link: