Promote Your Stories Here, review swap and comment swap
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GEEGEE are you promoting 3 books? amazing!!!
I have two books...please help me out with review and comment swaps and collection. thanks. if you agree just let me know here.!!!
1st book:
2nd Book:
UelUel UelUel Chan!!! Here I am again!!
Can I ask for a favor?
here is my other book...please review comments and collection...thanks.
ToufiqUlAlam added already. Will tell u tomao wen me done
UelUel I'm in. I've added your novel to my library. Add mine to yours
And don't forget to leave a review
UelUel Thanks. I'll give yours a review soon. It's in my library already
GEEGEE I've added your novel to my library. I'll leave a review when I'm done reading it. Do the same for mine
Hey this is a new novel I'm working on. Tell me if it's good.
ToufiqUlAlam done
Amarachukwu_Okoli_2708 done and don't forget mine