I would like to know if someone from the staff can explain why the incosistency from the website rewards and app rewards, why make fast passes harder to adquire? The way we get points in the website and fast passes only in app just makes it harder for the users and the whole website a bit worse for everyone. I suggest that you guys keep everything equal and put fast passes in website again, and if you remove all fast passes (like it seems you are going to do) most users will really just go to pirate sites. Keep consistent!
Why the same action give different rewards just changing from website to APP?
Titivillus New change from Webnovel to show their hatred towards free users, probaly not perfectly implemented yet since fastpasses can still be acquired for free on the app.
they want that we read the novels on other sources than webnovel now
Jurik_Joriksson No, they want to promote their application in the store by forcibly driving a herd of their sheep there.