Does anyone know what happened to the updates of whoever is translating this?? There has been an update in two weeks yet clearing its States that’s updates 3 times a week(though before it complete stop it was like one a week). I couldn’t find any post here about the translator taking a break or if he/she was injured or something. I’m pretty bummed out since this is one of favorite to read despite slow translating

    Handsome and cute master cat enter the post
    'That's strange 🤔 I thought it was a thread about me~'

    Fluffy master cat leave the post

      18aoj812 updates 3 times a week

      That number is generated through the average update speed and doesn't represent how many chapter are really promised per week. Higher releases in the beginning inflated the number for now (it shows a 2 now).

        Ebu8b Until barely a month ago, 2 per week was not an issue and now there's no update for almost three weeks without a single word to be found about it. Makes me a bit worried.

          Saint i also posted about it some time last week. essentially no post for last 3 weeks as i count 15th chapter against their weekly 3 chapter quota/promise. for some reason my post did not get any attention<sigh>

          There are not t many chapters they should finish it instead of stqgnating the progress

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