You should follow the adventure of my little Darkscale, heads up: he's a snake!
Original novels
I would like to advertise three novels. Each is different.
Adventures of Lord Genesis (fantasy with a very OP hero)
Chronicles of The Great Chicken (chicken who destroyed the balance of world):
Tales of Sex and Vanity (magic realism in modern era. MC has nice dreams.)
I didn’t expected to be so many.
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Please try mine and tell me your opinion. Its called 'Nefarious "EVIL" Affairs.' It's pretty unusual in the beginning :)
Give my novel a whirl , i am uploading daily
Hey guys. I just did a post about my novel on the forum so here's a link for it:
I'd really appreciate it if you gave it a shot.
Hi! Feel free to check out my first work. I left an expanded description in the review section instead of putting it here.
My MC is not an OP character and I try to work on a novel about relationships, not necessarily harem. I try to deliver some ecchi-esque humor but nothing over the line.
Give it a try if you feel like reading something under "Realistic Fiction"
Work is entitled "God's Beta Tester"
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I support this kind of thread!!
Wish you luck. all of you!
Yay! Got first in popularity rankings for original novels! You can read my novel guys!
Popularity Rankings:
Novel Link:
kcgrabin are there mortal gods in your story. Cause other immortal is useless af
HI everyone,
I'm publishing my first novel. I'm not a professional writer plus I am a very slow writer. My novel probably also have plenty of grammar errors.
Story is written for adults and contains mature content. Guys under 18 do not click the link.
It's a very naive story :D
then let me add a little shameless advertisement.
Any kind of critics and suggestions is welcomed, of course he he he. . .
I haven't read any original novel this last week, so this weekend should be a good time for me to rummage all of them :D
If I like a comment with a link in it I will read it, also, Here is my novel, Please read:!-Wait-a-minute%2C-It's-another-world