RomanceFanatic028 do you do reviews? Sure I don't mind sending u two powerstones Ur book is already iny library.
Anyone wants shoutout for their books?
Hello check my novel also...would love to hear your thoughts on it. Don't forget to leave comments and review.
Here's the link...check it out
in my collection and already reading between writing.
“I'm a summoner remember? We're trained to survive" - Cypher August
Immerse yourself in the world of summoners with Cypher Augest and follow his journey to ensure his life will never be held in the hands of another. In this action packed story with horrific beasts, thrilling action, and the collision of two world. 'Summoner's Parade.' | 12:00 A.M. EST | Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Tell me when you're done and I'll review your book؟
Strongest psychic trainer in Pokemon world
Those who liks Pokemon, please do read it, give it a comment and review. Thank you.
Review swap? YES PLEASE!
ANURAG_SAHARAN You can’t get shoutout for free. You need to add my book in your collection and also give powerstone.
RomanceFanatic028 i have added your book in my library
ANURAG_SAHARAN powerstone?
RomanceFanatic028 currently, I have no power stone when stock came I give
ANURAG_SAHARAN Sure. I’ll give shoutout as soon as I get it.
RomanceFanatic028 Sure, I'm interested
RomanceFanatic028 give power stone check it.
ANURAG_SAHARAN thanks for the powerstone and collection. I gave shoutout to your book “Legend of the END” in chapter 60. Kindly check it out.
RomanceFanatic028 I left an review and voted. I will continue to read actually, its good.
Anyway here's mine it does not have a lot of chapters and since I am a newbie it might not be as engaging but if you like cultivation novels, female lead, vampires and romance there read my novel :'s-true-desires_25989785806843205
Fast gory action, a hard magic system, and Monstergirl waifus what's not to like.
RomanceFanatic028 I want a shout-out for my book, here's my novel link
I just added your book to my library and gave you a power vote