I have noticed many people who i have given shoutout are taking my book out from their collections. Please don't do that. If you did it then i need to take your name out too.
Anyone wants shoutout for their books?
I have given you a powerstone and saved it to my collection. Please give a shout out to mine as well. Thank you. Here is mine https://www.webnovel.com/book/when-fire-meets-ice_23281548205666605@"RomanceFanatic028"#p553692
Sanify Thanks for the powerstone and collections. I did shoutout of your book in chapter 28
I’ve done a few reviews with no responses to mine I hope you guys will take a look.
RomanceFanatic028 yeah please give a shout out
RomanceFanatic028 yes please give shout out
binni_seon Sorry for the late reply. Did you added my book in your collections? If yes, then let me know.
https://m.webnovel.com › book › fl...
Read Flameman - Flamebrothers - Webnovel
There you go, added to reading list.
Now please do what you promised.
FlameBrothers Did you gave powerstones too? I am sorry but it is important if you want shoutout
binni_seon Thanks for the powerstone and collections. I gave shoutout to your book in chapter 27.
Hello, I already added your story on my library and I also vote for it. Please give a shout out to my story. Thank you!
Here's the link: https://www.webnovel.com/book/love-or-deal_23332460205915005
_eellaabbee Thanks for the powerstone and collections. I gave shoutout to your book in chapter 26.
RomanceFanatic028 hey, am having trouble getting my book link. How do I get it, please?
Queen_Nessa Search your book title in Google and then copy it from there.
RomanceFanatic028 hai,are the indonesian novel can join too?
RomanceFanatic028 thank you
Dinessu thank you,please leave a rating and review,shall do the same soon