Kirby_wife umm sorry if I'm wrong but are you asking how comments work in webnovel? if so then it's pretty simple.

there are 2 types of comments. paragraph and chapter comment.
paragraph comments are comments on a paragraph inside a chapter. and i believe you know what is a paragraph.
chapter comments are comments for the whole chapter. It's the usual type that you see on other website.

how to create a comment?
Paragraph comment:
Depends on your device. are you on PC or phone? for PC, it also depends on the paragraph itself. has someone commented on it or not? if yes, then you just need to click the number at the end of the paragraph. and from there you should know what to do. But if no one has commented on it. simply hover your mouse to the paragraph. and, a comment button will appear.
now for phone... it depends on where you access webnovel. are you using the app or are you using your browser? if apps then it's the same method with PC except that instead of hovering, you need to hold the paragraph if no one had yet to comment on it. now... if you are accessing webnovel through a browser. as far as I know, it's impossible to create a paragraph comment. which is really weird to me. but at least you can still create a chapter comment i guess.

Chapter comment:
for PC. its the book symbol on the right side. its right below the setting symbol(gear symbol).
for phone... umm if i remember it correctly. u just need to tap it once. Not hold. just tap. and from then, just search for the comment symbol. But I believe for the phone, it's not a book symbol. instead it's the common one, the cloud symbol.

and you did ask how to like a comment..... umm just like it? there's a thumbs-up button below every comment. just look for it.

no offense but are you new to the internet? this is pretty much common sense. a little trial & error should be enough for you to figure all of this out.

now that I think about it... is this a prank? how are you able to create a discussion on this forum and yet you don't know how the comment works? hell you even know how to reply to another person. yet you dont know how to like a comment... hmmm I'm getting convinced this is a prank

    Kirby_wife After getting to the end of a chapter you are reading, just before the "Swap down to continue" (something like that), you will see three it?.

    I..... Chat icon.

    2.... Vote icon

    3.....Gift icon.

    Tap/ click on the comment icon to leave a comment on the chapter.

    Tap/ click on the vote to vote for the book.

    Tap/ Click on gits to send gifts.

    As for paragraph comments.

    If you are using a phone, press down on the paragraph you wish to comment on until a comment box will show up.

      TheUnsuspicious no it’s not a joke I just read the comics and I got a little confused with commenting and the bulle tags.

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